
How to Pick Your First SEO Keyword?

Remote SEO Team

One of the best ways to grow your business is to use search engine optimization (SEO), a process of making changes to increase the chances of a website ranking in relevant searches within Google and other search engines. Ideally, adjusting the distribution of your keyword gives you the ability to change your campaign over time.

To be successful, you need to start by choosing the right keywords and hiring a dedicated SEO team. Over time, you will gather data that will help you decide which ones are most effective, and which ones need more work – but how do you choose the first set of keywords?

Set and understand your overall goals.

Before you decide which keywords are best for your product, spend some time thinking about what your SEO goals are. Many companies use SEO to increase website traffic, which, in turn, increases revenue, but you will need to be more specific.

For example:

  • How fast do you want to see results? SEO is a long-term strategy, so sometimes it takes months before you start to see results. If you want results faster than that, you will need to choose lower competitive keywords and higher volume.
  • How much alignment does your audience need? Do you focus on specific audiences, or do you agree with the conditions and types of people you have coming to the site?
  • What types of traffic do you want? Do you want people to buy your products, or are you currently focusing on brand awareness?

Decide on a combination of keywords in the head and long tail.

Once you know your goals, you should be able to at least determine the balance between the “head” keywords and the “long tail” keywords. Keywords are short phrase headings, usually one to three words, associated with high traffic but also high competition.

Keywords have a long tail, usually conversational phrases with low traffic but low competition. Keywords are better for long-term strategies, focusing on traffic, while long-tail keywords are better for short-term strategies, faster focusing on results. You will need both, in some combination, to get the best results overall.

Do your first research.

Once you have those goals and that first idea in mind, you can work on your first research:

  • Come up with ideas for roots. Start by drawing up ideas about what people might be looking for in your business. You do not need to be perfect here, but try to find at least a few basic search terms, as well as keywords and long tail keywords that they can use to find you.
  • Use title and key generators. Next, use an online tool to help you come up with more keywords and topic ideas, based on some of your original ideas.
  • Create the main list. Extract all the keywords you can create in the main spreadsheet, so you can quickly compare them and organize them into different fields.

Minimize list.

Once you have the “main list” created, you can start removing the weakest candidates. Look for the following variables with a special focus:

  • Volume. “Search volume” means how often a particular phrase is searched. It is a useful tool to measure how much traffic you will receive in a particular query, although you should be aware that volume often fluctuates over time.
  • Competition. Next, look at the competitive level of each keyword. It is not uncommon for high-volume keywords to have a very high competitive price, and, the higher the competition, the harder it will be to measure that keyword. You will need to balance the two.
  • Compatibility. You should also consider the correlation of each keyword in your main product. Sure, it can have high traffic and low competition, but will it exceed the type of traffic your website needs?
  • Current levels. It is worth checking to see if you are currently measuring any of these goals – if you do, that might help you build momentum ahead of time. Reach out to us to hire a remote SEO team.


Your first combination of keywords will not be perfect, but it will provide you with a solid foundation on which to base your traffic. Pay close attention to how your results grow over time and do not be afraid to make changes if you need them.

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